Commuters are a small subset of Summer Institute attendees.  In some ways, you get the best of both worlds — you can be a part of the SI community and can sleep in your own bed!  On the other hand, it can be a challenge to bond with the community while juggling your responsibilities at home. We recommend that you spend as much time as you can with us.

If you are a first timer as well as a commuter, please check out the FAQ for first timers. Also, take a first timer’s tour and attend the Opening Ceremony on Sunday.  Both will help orient you.

Tours leave from registration between 1:30 and 3pm.  The tour is a short golf cart ride around campus to show you see the buildings we use.  Also at registration, be sure to ask about where to park your car daily.

The Opening Ceremony will introduce you to some of the people and services that are available.

Become familiar with the schedule and map that was in your envelope at registration.  There is a lot of important information here.

Announcements are an important way to stay in touch with changes and opportunities.  Announcements are available in a variety of ways:

  • At the end of worship, twice a day.
  • On the TV screens in the meeting room
  • Phone apps:  you can either check the mobile website, the facebook page or download Slack to your phone.

We ask everyone to sign up for a community workshift.  We describe CERSI as an intentional community that we co-create every year.  All adults are expected to help co-create community by doing a workshift; usually about 1 hour once during the week. [workshifts vary in length] The registration team will send you a link to the sign up genius website where you pick a job that fits your skills, abilities and schedule.  This is a great way to meet people you might not have met otherwise.