Workshop Proposals Being Accepted Only Until 10/31/18

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One big way that you can help make CERSI 2019 awesome is to help us offer strong programming that will appeal to a range of people.

Morning Seminars for adults meet with the same group every day for 75 minutes, with content building from day to day.
Early Afternoon  (inter-generational) and Late Afternoon (sometimes  age-specific) afternoon workshops tend to be more open-ended, with folks coming and going during the 90 minutes of activity.
All of them can be learning-based or activity-based, and topics might be spiritual, practical, physical, intellectual, gustatory, artsy, musical, or more! If you have an idea for an interesting morning seminar or afternoon workshop, please submit a proposal by October 31, 2018. 

2019 SI Morning Seminar Proposal Form

2019 SI Afternoon Workshop Proposal Form