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Have you heard about CERSI?

It’s true, CERSI registration is open! For anyone who hasn’t been before; who may have come to Kenyon or Oberlin but has not experienced the PennWest campus; or who may be joining CERSI for the first time after attending UUMAC  in the past, we want to share more about what the CERSI experience will be like in 2023. Start by watching a video introducing CERSI and PennWest for 2023.

Still have more questions? Here’s a little more info…

What does “CERSI” stand for? 

Central East Region Summer Institute. It’s an annual event where Unitarian Universalists from mostly Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and other nearby states gather for a week together to learn new things, have fun, connect with old friends and make new ones. This is an event for kids, families, adults, partnered people, individuals and everyone in between.

Is CERSI a traditional summer camp?

Well, it’s traditional for a lot of UUs, but it doesn’t involve camping or cabins or campfires and s’mores. We stay in university dorms with real beds, private bathrooms and air conditioning. We have a big, grassy area between our two dorms where we have a lot of our events (see Afternoon Workshops), eat in the dining hall, and use university buildings around campus for learning (see Morning Seminars, Theme Speaker), fun, sports, swimming, and gathering.

What is there to do at CERSI?

Take a look at a typical day for an adult at CERSI. Or what a day is like for a youth (grades 7-12). Children, nursery through 6th grade, have dedicated programming too! Finally, Young Adults (ages 18-35) also have their own programming and events. Not everything is segregated by age though, there are also intergenerational afternoon workshops, worship services, and evening programming where we all gather together in community. And there is music, almost everywhere. Drumming circles, instrumental and vocal meet-ups  and performances, choirs, a folk orchestra and small gatherings of musicians and vocalists who gather to make or enjoy music together. There is also downtime – hanging out in hammocks, pulling camp chairs into a circle on the lawn to chat with others, playing board games or working on puzzles in the dorm lounges or grabbing a beer or playing trivia at the nightly pub. CERSI is what you want to make of it – active and busy, relaxing and calm, or somewhere in between.

Where can I learn more, or get questions answered?

We encourage you to explore our website or email us at with questions you may have. We have a “First Timer’s FAQ” that might be helpful. You can ask questions of the wider CERSI community on our official Facebook group.  It’s also a great place to hear what’s going on and start to get to know some folks. There is also an official Facebook page where announcements are posted.