YAs at SI are a diverse, growing community. Because young adulthood is a time of transition and self-discovery, this year’s Young Adult theme is all about balancing UU beliefs and ideals with living in the real world. Young Adults join the general community for most daytime activities, including meals, theme talk, morning worship, workshops, and evening vespers. They also engage in Young Adult specific activities, which include themed touch-base groups and their own worship. The themed touch-base groups offer a variety of activities that range from exploring nature to discussing what “growing up” really means, and provide a daily opportunity for first-timers and old-timers alike to meet new people. Don’t forget to bring formal evening wear for the Young Adult run Monte Carlo Night, where we run all sorts of fun games of chance to raise money for the Scholarship Fund!
For those Young Adults who want to attend but can’t afford to, there are scholarships available!
If you can’t take off work for the whole week, there is a discounted “Weekend CON” option available as well.